フィリピン人再婚相談センター、行政書士 岩崎事務所 | 日記 | PRESS RELEASE



フィリピン人再婚相談センター、行政書士 岩崎事務所 の日記



The Iwasaki Immigration Law firm, announced that the quick process of foreign divorce recognize degree trial in the Philippines became possible with the stable cooperation of the University of the Philippines.
The representative of Immigration Lawyer, Hiroaki Iwasaki said “I hear often that it has become trouble after asking the foreign recognize degree trial in the Philippines at the other office. But in the case of my office, the quick process of divorce approval trial in the Philippines became possible with the stable cooperation of the University of the Philippines. The period of procedure is six months. However, this is due to personnel human network of the University of the Philippines. The Philippine side said it will be able to do the procedure faster.

Last year, I carried out the seminars and meetings inviting the lawyers and the person in charge of the University of the. This year also I have a plan to invite a lawyer from the Philippines and the personnel selection is finished to conduct a seminar in Japan."
In addition, the
, Immigration Lawyer Hiroaki Iwasaki said, even if you cannot get the Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage, because of not finishing the foreign recognize degree trial , it is possible to remarry only in Japan.

Until now he has assisted the marriage of more than 20 couples and after the marriage it is possible to continue status of residence visa.
Either way it is good news to Filipinos.
Send your inquiry to Immigration Lawyer, Hiroaki Iwasaki Tel: 090-3708-8027


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